Modern Spain Crossword Puzzle

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Modern Spain Crossword Puzzle

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  • monarchy : in the 1960’s, franco decided to restore the _ after his death.
  • prime minister : adolfo suarez was the _ after the franco dictatorship.
  • church : during the franco dictatorship, there was no separation between the _ and the state.
  • left : psoe is the _ -wing socialist party.
  • turno pacifico : the _ was when the liberals and conservatives took turns in government.
  • vote : in 1931, women first gained the right to _ .
  • republicans : the spanish civil war was between the nationalists and the _ .
  • nationalists : the _ won the spanish civil war.
  • equal : under the constitution of 1931, men and women were _ before the law.
  • legal : divorce was _ for the first time during the second republic.
  • democracy : after franco’s death, spain became a _ .
  • second republic : the _ republic was a result of the primo de rivera dictatorship.
  • rights : during the beginning of the 20th century, spanish people gained more _ .
  • surrealism : _ represented the imaginary world of dreams.
  • strike : _ is when workers stop working as a protest.
  • cubism : _ represented people and objects using geometric shapes.
  • three : the spanish civil war lasted about _ years
  • abstract : _ art wanted to represent ideas, not reality.
  • artists : spanish _ played a very important role in cubism and surrealism.
  • right : pp is the _ -wing people’s party