Expedition Canada Crossword Puzzle
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- lowland : south of the canadian shield in ontario and quebec – smallest landform region in canada
- cordillera : along the western edge of canada, covering most of yukon territory and british columbia and western alberta.
- canada : a country in northern north america, the second largest country in the world; capital, ottawa; official languages, english and french.
- arctic : a series of islands located in canada’s far north and north of canadian shield but south of hudson bay.
- canadian shield : covers more than half of canada, including most of nunavut, quebec, labrador, ontario, and manitoba, and a large part of saskatchewan and lesser parts of alberta and the northwest territories.
- appalachian : _ highland - covers some of southern quebec, and most of the atlantic provinces
- expedition : a journey or voyage undertaken by a group of people with a particular purpose.
- land : the part of the earth's surface that is not covered by water, as opposed to the sea or the air
- atlas : a book of maps or charts.
- region : an area of the earth with a unique set of physical features.
- interior plains : extends through the middle of canada from north to south, covering most of alberta and saskatchewan, and some of nwt and manitoba