Latin America Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: atacama desert : located on chile within the andes mountains, caribbean : region of latin america made of small and large islands; such as, cuba, jamaica, haiti, puerto rico, etc, isthmus : thin strip of land with water on both sides joining two larger bodies of water, spanish : common language of latin america, latin america : consists of mexico, central america, caribbean, and south america, atlantic ocean : 2nd largest ocean in the world, gulf of mexico : located at the florida peninsulas, portuguese : common language of latin america, pacific ocean : largest ocean in the world, andes mountains : longest mountain range in the world, forming a continuous mountain range along the western edge of south america, amazon river basin : home of the largest tropical rain forest in the world, amazon rainforest : largest rainforest in the world containing nine countries of south america...(brazil, peru, colombia, venezuela, ecuador, bolivia, guyana, suriname, and french guiana), panama canal : waterway allowing ships access to both the pacific and atlantic ocean, caribbean sea : bordered by mexico and central america to the west, the caribbean islands to the north, and south america in the south and southwest, amazon river : 2nd longest river in the world, running through peru, colombia, and brazil.