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Biology Crossword Puzzles
Free printable biology crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
bone structure protecting the brain, thigh bone, the longest bone in the body, shinbone, located in the lower leg, smaller bone alongside the tibia, …
pulmonary air passage that is usually 1 mm or less in diameter and lacks cartilage, separates the nasal cavity from the oral cavity, measurement of …
first and longest phase of mitosis in which the genetic material inside the nucleus condenses and the chromosomes become visible, the process of a …
evolution that occurs on a small scale affecting a single population, combined alleles of all individuals in a population, a feature that allows …
the protective thick leaves of the ovary, what bees and other pollinators carry from flower to flower, the collective name for the female parts of a …
a living thing that grows in soil, has roots, a stem, leaves, and often flowers, the part of a plant that supports the leaves and flowers and carries …
a process where plants and algae turn carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen, green pigment in plants and algae which absorbs light energy, …
one of the smallest yet complex system, one of the important, largest and central organs, forebrain, cerebrum with basal ganglia, lowers heart rate, …
in a multi-cellular organism, a group of cells working together, the cell's control center, grain-shaped organelles that produce proteins, some …
set of three bases, a sugar derived from ribose by replacing a hydroxyl group with hydrogen, type macro molecule know a nucleic acid, a purine …
hormone which prepares the body for flight or fight responses, the type and amount of food consumed by people, an organ or tissue that makes a …
an example of molecules and it composed of two elements hydrogen and oxygen, consists of different tissues organized together to perform, interaction …
the largest part of the brain, neurons that carry impulses toward the spinal chord and brain, neurons that carry impulses from the brain or spinal …
transfer of heat by physical contact, an organism that relies on external sources of heat to regulate its body temperature, regulate body temperature …
the double-layered membrane surrounding the heart, the part of the brain that maintains the balance of the body and coordinates voluntary activities, …
sweat glands, breaks down urea in sweat and causes odors, waterproofing protein, worst kind of burn, glands that produce oil, oil, skin cells, …
strand of dna or rna surrounded by a layer of protein that can infect and replicate in a host cell, long whiplike structure on bacteria, a mixture …
the acidic group of an amino acid, a protein with regular structure, often used for structural functions, to spin a suspension very faster to separate …
differences in traits among individuals of the same species , reproduction method resulting in genetically identical individuals , human-controlled …
cells or tissues that are swollen from water uptake, the powerhouse of cells, the process by which green plants synthesize food, the molecule that is …
external, protective coating that protects the body systems from the outside elements, collection of similar cells that perform a particular function, …
this layer of the dermis makes up 80% of dermal thickness and consists of coarse, dense fibrous connective tissue, this type of skin cancer is the …
heart, arteries, capillaries and _ , collects and disposes of lymph fluid, supports and protects, parts of the digestive tract include stomach, mouth …
the process through which populations of living organisms adapt and change, one of two or more genes that may occur alternatively at a given site on a …
drawing in of a breath, abnormally fast respiratory rate, paired major organs of respiration that contains bronchi and are divided into clearly …
where waters a plant, process responsible for water entry to the plant, mineral that helps to make the plant cell wall, material that reinforces the …
attaches muscle to bone, where red blood cells, platelets and white blood cells are made, wrist and ankle joints, protects important organs like the …
lines the inner surface of the shaft, bones that are longer than they are wide, the cavity that is inside the shaft, the shaft of long bones, the line …
this gland is also called the 'master gland', endocrine glands secrets and pours hormones directly into this, in this stage an individual attains full …
bacteria/archaea that have spherical shape, bacteria/archaea that have rod shape, bacteria/archaea that have spiral shape, the compound bacteria cell …