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Biology Crossword Puzzles
Free printable biology crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
_ system - organized network of nerve tissue in the body, _ system - glands and organs that make hormones and release them into the blood, _ system …
organ system that is a fast-acting control system of the body; responds to internal and external changes by activating appropriate muscles and glands, …
structure of dna, one parent; no fertilization, segment of dna that codes for a trait, two parents; fertilization occurs, something an organism does …
the functional units of the kidneys is called what?, this occurs in the distal convoluted tubules and collecting tubules, the expansion of upper end …
this is an alternative form of genes, this is an observable trait of an organism that can mask the recessive trait, the genetic makeup of an organism, …
changes in the dna sequence, a type of mutation where one nucleotide is replaced with another, a mutation that shifts the "reading frame" of …
the side of dna that is replicated continuously, always pairs with thymine, what the m in mrna stands for, the process of making an rna molecule using …
what is composed of 2 carbon rings?, according to chargaff's rule adenine pairs with what nitrogen base? it is only found in dna, a compound only …
compounds formed when a base is linked to a sugar via a glycosidic bond, formed when phosphoric acid is esterified with an -oh of the monosaccharide, …
type of protein that associates with eukaryotic dna and structurally organizes chromosomes, process by which cells become specialized during …
nucleotide that transfers energy directly to a cell's chemical reactions, two or more atoms bonded together, polysaccharide that makes up cell walls …
the organelle where photosynthesis occurs in plant cells (12), this type of cell is a specialised plant cell and absorbs water and nutrients from the …
the less numerous type of sweat gland; produces a secretion containing water, salts, proteins, and fatty acids, dense irregular connective tissues …
mild traumatic brain injury, sustaining another head injury before symptoms of the first head injury have cleared, head injury that develops …
muscle that bends apart, muscle that tightens a part, muscle that lowers a part, the muscles that oppose the action of the agonist and lengthen and …
another name for a molecule which is used to signal cells, a protein on or inside the cell which binds to the signal molecule, signal _ is when a …
the basic structural and functional unit of life forms, the only type of cell used in mitosis, the process of the cell splitting for body cells, the …
the "powerhouse" of a cell that converts energy stored in food to energy the cell can use, captures energy from sunlight and changes it to a …
it rotates to allow you to change the objective lenses, they magnify the specimen with a different power, either electric or a mirror. it passes …
the chemical reaction that releases energy from glucose, the type of respiration that uses oxygen, the type of respiration used during intense …
the building blocks of nucleic acids, the nitrogen-containing base that pairs with adenine in dna, the nitrogen-containing base that pairs with …
the shallow groves of the cerebral hemispheres, the lower end of the spinal cord is called .... medullaris, the ... areas of the cortex control …
the part of the brain that coordinates the actions of the muscles and helps maintain balance, an automatic response that occurs very rapidly and …
high volume pushing the eye forward, inflammation of the eyelid, structure that provides protection & cushioning of the globe, these cells secrete …
the condition characterized by the destruction of red blood cells after transfusion of incompatible blood, the process by which the body generates …
localisation theory replaced this as the most recent understanding of brain structure. 8,6, the singular name given to the two halves of the brain. …
an enzyme that breaks down starch into sugars, an enzyme that breaks down proteins into amino acids, an enzyme that helps break down fats into fatty …
functional unit of the kidney (singular), tubule that responds to adh (2 words), _ syndrome is a condition in which the kidney cannot properly absorb …
a test that measures pressure in the eye, a stain used to detect corneal ulceration, a test used to measure basal tear production, a test used to …
the anticoagulant of choice for biochemistry and blood gas analysis and acid base balance, the rupture of erythrocytes, which releases haemoglobin …