Genetics & Evolution Terms Crossword Puzzle
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- mitochondrion : organelle that contains its own genome, and that is found in almost all eukaryotic cells
- meiosis : the nuclear division process that is involved in the production of gametes
- haploid : term that describes a cell where there is only one of each kind of chromosome
- methylation : the specific epigenetic process that involves modification of dna nucleotides (usually results in “silencing” the sequence including those nucleotides)
- archaea : the group of prokaryotes that are not bacteria
- homology : a similarity due to shared ancestry
- genetic drift : process that causes evolutionary change simply due to randomness (two words)
- histones : proteins that bind tightly or loosely to dna at regular intervals; how tight or loose depends on their degree of acetylation, which the cell can regulate
- convergent : adjective that defines the type of evolution that leads to similar traits in two or more relatively unrelated lineages (like wings in birds, bats, and insects)
- promoter : region within a gene that contains dna sequences crucial to transcription initiation
- allele : a unique dna sequence version of a gene
- population : level of biological organization that describes a group of individuals of the same species found within a geographically defined area
- fitness : term that describes the organism’s success in genetic contributions to future generations