Muscles and Bones Crossword Puzzle
Download and print this Muscles and Bones crossword puzzle.
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- humerus : the upper arm bone (7)
- femur : the longest bone in the body (5)
- quadriceps : the muscle responsible for extending the knee (10)
- ballandsocket : the type of joint found in the shoulder (11)
- biceps : the muscle used to flex the elbow (6)
- cranium : the bone that protects the brain (6)
- hamstrings : the group of muscles at the back of the thigh (10)
- gastrocnemius : the calf muscle that helps with plantar flexion (12)
- hinge : the type of joint found in the knee and elbow (5)
- triceps : the muscle responsible for extending the elbow (7)
- patella : the bone that protects the knee joint (7)
- deltoid : the muscle that helps lift the arm at the shoulder (7)
- latissimusdorsi : the large muscle in the back that helps with arm movements (15)
- pectorals : the chest muscles that help with pushing movements (9)
- gluteals : the group of muscles in the buttocks that help with hip movement (8)
- hipflexors : the muscles at the front of the hip that help lift the leg (10)
- metatarsals : the bones in the middle of the foot that connect to the toes (11)
- carpals : the small bones in the wrist (7)
- tibialisanterior : the muscle at the front of the lower leg that helps with dorsiflexion (16)
- trapezius : the muscle in the upper back and neck that helps move the shoulders (9)