Appendicular Skeleton Crossword Puzzle
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- scapula : the clavicle and this other bone, when articulate form the pectoral girdle
- sternum : the clavicle articulates anteriorly with this bone
- lateral : that is how the greater tubercle is located in relation to the head of the humerus in the anatomical position.
- patella : the largest sesamoid bone in the body
- fibula : if you fractured the lateral malleolus, that means that the fractured bone is
- calcaneus : aka "heel bone"
- femur : tibia articulates superiorly with this bone
- radius : for the forearm to form you need the ulna and this other bone.
- clavicle : connects the acromion with the sternum
- styloid : the malleolus is for the ankle as this process is for the wrist.
- ischium : the bone that we sit on
- glenoid : the head of the humerus articulates with this fossa
- ulna : the medial bone of the forearm
- tibia : aka the "shin bone"
- phalanx : both polluex and hallux miss one of them
- humerus : that's where we find the deltoid tuberosity
- medial : that is how tibia is located in relation to the fibula