Bacteria Crossword Puzzle
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- cocci : bacteria/archaea that have spherical shape
- bacilli : bacteria/archaea that have rod shape
- spirilla : bacteria/archaea that have spiral shape
- peptidoglycan : the compound bacteria cell wall is made up of
- plasmid : circular dna and carries beneficial genes for bacterial survival
- flagella : a structure which directs bacteria movement
- pili : exchanges genetic material with other bacteria
- endospore : a tough structure that help bacteria survive in unfavorable conditions (e.g. lack nutrients)
- binary fission : the asexual reproduction by prokaryotes
- heterotroph : absorb nutrients from other organisms
- autotroph : make nutrients on their own: for example: photosynthesis
- aerobe : an organism able to live and reproduce only in the presence of o2
- anaerobe : an organism able to live and reproduce in the absence of o2
- cyanobacteria : earliest organism fossil discovered
- gram positive : bacteria with thick peptidoglycan cell walls are stained purple in gram stain