Structure of the Heart Crossword Puzzle

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Structure of the Heart Crossword Puzzle

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  • aorta : blood vessel that carries oxygenated blood from heart to all the body parts
  • pulmonary artery : blood vessel that carries deoxygenated blood from heart to the lungs
  • pulmonary vein : blood vessel that carries oxygenated blood from lungs to the heart
  • right atrium : upper right chamber of the heart
  • right ventricle : lower right chamber of the heart
  • left ventricle : chamber of the heart with the thickest muscle wall
  • venacava : blood vessel that carries deoxygenated blood to the heart
  • tricuspid : atrioventricular valve between right atrium and right ventricle
  • bicuspid : atrioventricular valve between left atrium and left ventricle