Single and Multi-Celled Organisms Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: amoeba : single-celled organism that surrounds its food, paramecium : one-celled organism that uses hair-like structures for movement, organs : a collection of tissues that has a specific function, tissue : a group of cells that does a specific job, single celled : one cell that performs all life functions, function : to perform a specified action, bacteria : single-celled organism that can be seen under the microscope, cell : basic building block of life, independent : does not rely on something else, permeable : able to pass through, dependent : relying on something else, transport : to carry from one place to another, interdependent : to work together to accomplish something, system : a group of parts that work together, euglena : one-celled organism that uses a whip-like tail for movement, unicellular : an organism that is made up of one cell that completes all life functions, multi celled : many cells that perform specialized functions, structure : parts arranged together in order to make a whole