Parts of a Plant Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: plant: a living thing that grows in soil, has roots, a stem, leaves, and often flowers, stem: the part of a plant that supports the leaves and flowers and carries water and nutrients from the roots to other parts of the plant, leaves: green parts of a plant that grow from the stem, usually where photosynthesis happens to make food for the plant, roots: the parts of a plant that grow underground, taking in water and nutrients from the soil to help the plant grow, nutrients: special stuff in soil/fertilizer that helps plants and animals stay healthy and grow, flower: the pretty part of a plant that often has colorful petals and makes seeds for new plants, bud: a small swelling on a plant that can grow into a flower, leaf, or new stem, photosynthesis: a process in plants where they use sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water to make food (glucose) and oxygen, sunlight: it comes from the sun and plants absorb it through their leaves for photosynthesis to occur, water: plants drink this using their roots and need it to survive.