Life and Living Crossword Puzzle

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Life and Living Crossword Puzzle

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  • classification : sorting of things into groups based on shared characteristics.
  • dicotyledons : these are flowering plants that have seeds with two cotyledons.
  • biosphere : parts of the earth and its atmosphere in which living things exist.
  • organisms : any living thing that can perform the 7 life processes.
  • invertebrate : an animal that does not have a backbone. e.g, arthropods.
  • kingdom : the highest level in the classification system.
  • biodiversity : the variety of all living organisms on earth.
  • gymnosperms : these are cone-bearing plants.
  • angiosperms : these are flowering plants.
  • seeds : a reproductive structure that develops from an ovule that has been fertilised.
  • spore : a reproductive structure that can grow and develop into a new plant without fertilisation.
  • vertebrate : an animal that does have a backbone. e.g. reptile.
  • producer : produces its own food. e.g. a plant.
  • consumer : eats the producer. e.g. a cow eats the grass.
  • monocotyledons : these are flowering plants that have seeds with one cotyledon.
  • habitat : the place where a living organism lives.