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Neuroscience Crossword Puzzles
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- Neuroscience
You are browsing category Neuroscience show all
the largest part of the brain, neurons that carry impulses toward the spinal chord and brain, neurons that carry impulses from the brain or spinal …
one of the smallest yet complex system, one of the important, largest and central organs, forebrain, cerebrum with basal ganglia, lowers heart rate, …
the double-layered membrane surrounding the heart, the part of the brain that maintains the balance of the body and coordinates voluntary activities, …
the shallow groves of the cerebral hemispheres, the lower end of the spinal cord is called .... medullaris, the ... areas of the cortex control …
the part of the brain that coordinates the actions of the muscles and helps maintain balance, an automatic response that occurs very rapidly and …
hair like structures that receive or transmits signals from neurons to other neurons, muscles or organs, gaps in the myelin sheath of a neuron's axon, …
consists of the brain, spinal cord, and network of nerve cells, nerve cells; composed of cell body, axon, and dendrites, central part of neuron that …
localisation theory replaced this as the most recent understanding of brain structure. 8,6, the singular name given to the two halves of the brain. …
structural and functional units of the nervous system, neuron part that carries impulses away from the cell body, neuron part that carries impulses …
the part of the nervous system that extends from the brain and is protected by the spinal column (2 words), the lobe of the cerebrum responsible for …