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Books and Literature Crossword Puzzles
If you love books, you will enjoy these Books and Literature crossword puzzles. No matter who your favorite author is, or which story you liked the best, you will look forward to doing these Crosswords.
You have to search for words from some of the world's most beloved and popular books. From Shakespeare Characters to Lord of the Flies, this crossword library has a huge collection of popular books and related words. Download and see how many book-related puzzles you can solve.
sole heir of the montague fortune, prince of verona, poverty-stricken with "famine" in his cheeks, he illegally sells deadly poison, act # _ …
not light, a famous vampire created by bram stoker, when the weather is used to reflect the mood, three dots at the end of a sentence used to create …
what is the name of the new child jonas's family is taking care of, where does jonas go for his assignment, the people who decide everything, what do …
what is the color of gatsbys' car?, what is gatsby's first name?, what kind of lifestyle does nick live?, _ was a photographer, where does nick know …
is when the narrator tells the story to the reader in third person or is on the outside looking in, is when the character is facing a problem within …
clues about what is going to happen, time and place of the action of the story, conflict(s) is/are revealed, events and conflicts start being …
form of metaphor that gives human attributes to an idea or thing, device used to reference any object outside of the literature work, technique in …
used to explain why something happens, used to present points of view, used to discuss elements that are similar, used to present a problem and …
the man called by god to lead israel out of captivity, a man who hardened his heart to god's demands, the man who god gave to moses to help him lead …
the text structure where things are written in order (order/...), when you tell how things are different, the text structure that tells something that …
the repetition of the same beginning sound in several words in a sequence, the repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive phrases, …
who is the narrator morning for?, what country does the cask of an amontillado take place?, how did poe make money in college?, why does montresor …
the herd of approaching elephants sounded like rolling thunder, a word that imitates a sound, peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, her eyes …
what was bill's dog called?, what did the boys eat?, what was oliver's crime?, who did bill murder?, who rescued oliver from the streets?, what did …
a play portraying a scene or scenes from the bible, a kind of poetry with regular meter yet no rhyme, a type of comedy that uses preposterous …
dramatic prophet who saw wheels in wheels, history book in the nt, paul wrote a letter to this master of a runaway slave, writer of the first 5 books …
poems about personal experiences, emotions, triumphs, and tragedies, repetition of concluding sounds in different words, often intentionally use at …
the main point or argument of an analytical exposition, facts and figures used to support the thesis, breaking down a topic into its parts, the tense …
uncomfortable, secret, under time pressure, discovered by accident, secret, happened, during, go past quickly, reveals, explains, focus on for longer …
mr _ - neighbor who enters into an alliance with napoleon, father of communism, napoleon's "security force.", leader of the russian …
looking carefully at evidence to solve crimes, people who stop criminals as their job, another word for being spy related activity. espi _ , a famous …
what is shakespeare's first name?, his father's occupation, how long did his "lost years" last?, he was this as well as a playwright and a …
the physical act of changing position or location on stage (8 letters), a person portrayed in a play or story (9 letters), a character's part or …
the name of oberon's servant, when a feeling (like love) is not returned, arguments, fighting or a battle, when there is no order and everyone is …
when a group of words close together contain the same vowel sound in the middle of the words for effect, when a group of words close together start …
language device that describes one thing like another, an object is given human qualities, two conflicting ideas put together, mood or atmosphere …
an annual reference book with information about events of previous year, a book of maps, a book or set of books giving information on many subjects or …
a judge who sent people to death, even though some were innocent, this type of power is based on someone's supreme knowledge or skill, the reverend …
helps tie all ideas together, shows reader how something smells sounds feels or taste, group of closely related sentences on the same topic, represent …
words or phrases that appeal to your five senses, a word to describe or imitate a sound, an expression that means something other than the literal …
About Books & Literature Crossword Puzzles
A "Books and Literature" crossword puzzle collection has puzzles about different topics in books. The topics include famous authors, stories, book terms, characters, types of books, and fun facts about books. Learn more about literature in an interesting way using our crossword puzzles about books and stories.
Some puzzles focus on certain types of stories, like mystery or fantasy, while others focus on certain writers or literary prizes. Here, you can find puzzles for all skill levels.
How to Download Crossword Puzzles?
- Click on any of the crossword Puzzle from the list.
- Simply print out the puzzle on paper or cardstock to get started.
Use a pencil or pen to fill in the blanks. If you get stumped, no problem! The answers are included with the puzzle.
How to Edit Crossword Puzzles?
You can create your own crossword puzzles, by starting from scratch or by editing the existing puzzle (click on the "Edit" button in puzzle details page). You can edit the title, header, font style, clues font size, and words list. You also have the ability to shuffle questions and puzzle size.