Books and Literature Crossword Puzzles

If you love books, you will enjoy these Books and Literature crossword puzzles. No matter who your favorite author is, or which story you liked the best, you will look forward to doing these Crosswords.

You have to search for words from some of the world's most beloved and popular books. From Shakespeare Characters to Lord of the Flies, this crossword library has a huge collection of popular books and related words. Download and see how many book-related puzzles you can solve.

Showing 1-30 of 325 records

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Rhetorical Devices crossword puzzle
Rhetorical Devices

is the study and art of speaking and writing well, it is a deliberate overstatement or exaggeration, a literary device derived from the greek word …

A Midsummer Nights Dream crossword puzzle
A Midsummer Night's Dream

the name of oberon's servant, when a feeling (like love) is not returned, arguments, fighting or a battle, when there is no order and everyone is …

Drama Vocabulary crossword puzzle
Drama Vocabulary

a type of performance where actors act out a story on stage, a role or part played by an actor in a play or show, someone who pretends to be a …

ELA Vocabulary crossword puzzle
ELA Vocabulary

the text structure where things are written in order (order/...), when you tell how things are different, the text structure that tells something that …

Genre crossword puzzle

books set in modern times and based on modern situations, story about a hero like king arthur or robin hood, what genre includes magical stories like …

The Last Bear crossword puzzle
The Last Bear

author of the last bear, the name of the island in the story, the country that the island belongs to, 'the beach stretched out like a sandy smile' is …

Spy Fiction crossword puzzle
Spy Fiction

looking carefully at evidence to solve crimes, people who stop criminals as their job, another word for being spy related activity. espi _ , a famous …

Romeo and Juliet crossword puzzle
Romeo and Juliet

sole heir of the montague fortune, prince of verona, poverty-stricken with "famine" in his cheeks, he illegally sells deadly poison, act # _ …

Literary Devices crossword puzzle
Literary Devices

form of metaphor that gives human attributes to an idea or thing, device used to reference any object outside of the literature work, technique in …

The Merchant of Venice crossword puzzle
The Merchant of Venice

" i am a jew. hath not a jew eyes?", he knew of jessica's plans to run away. shylock hears about it from him,, the play also takes place in …

Romeo and Juliet Act One crossword puzzle
Romeo and Juliet Act One

romeo's father, concerned about his son's melancholy, the young, passionate protagonist who falls in love easily, a young nobleman and kinsman to the …

Holes crossword puzzle

main character, nickname caveman, there's nothing in his head!, who stanley "stole" the shoes from, this isn't girl scouts, got slashed by …

Inspector Calls crossword puzzle
Inspector Calls

j.b. priestley was an advocate for _ , contextually, eric and sheila represent _ , the inspector appears to be _ , where the play is set, the name of …

Rhetorical Devices and Terms crossword puzzle
Rhetorical Devices and Terms

the repetition of the same beginning sound in several words in a sequence, the repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive phrases, …

The Crucible crossword puzzle
The Crucible

a judge who sent people to death, even though some were innocent, this type of power is based on someone's supreme knowledge or skill, the reverend …

Animal Farm crossword puzzle
Animal Farm

mr _ - neighbor who enters into an alliance with napoleon, father of communism, napoleon's "security force.", leader of the russian …

Literary Genres crossword puzzle
Literary Genres

represents dynamic convergence of literary traditions with digital innovation offering a rich tapestry and expressive possibilities for both creators …

Poetry Terms crossword puzzle
Poetry Terms

a type of literature that expresses ideas, feelings, or tells a story in a specific form, a word at the end of one line rhymes with a word at the end …

Literary Terms crossword puzzle
Literary Terms

subtle clues to readers about what is to come later in the plot, describing people, places, or things in a way that appeals to the physical senses, …

Poetry crossword puzzle

repeating of words, phrases or lines in a poem, a japanese poem consisting of 3 lines and 17 syllables, a word that imitates a real-life sound, the …

Hamlet crossword puzzle

setting of the play, weapon that was poisoned ir order to kill hamlet, where polonius was hiding before he got killed, what ophelia was theorized to …

The Little Prince crossword puzzle
The Little Prince

a word that means to live somewhere, a name for a type of a gun, what type of animal is a boa constrictor?, what is broken on the writer's plane?, …

Acts of the Apostle crossword puzzle
Acts of the Apostle

the author of the book of "acts of the apostles"?, in (acts 5:33–39), this man's warning gives us a message from luke that all is planned …

Fish in a Tree crossword puzzle
Fish in a Tree

how ally felt when called out, a baby _ is held for mrs. hall, a male friend of the main character, a word that ally defined correctly, …

Phrases, Clauses, and Sentence Structure crossword puzzle
Phrases, Clauses, and Sentence Structure

a clause that does not express a complete thought and cannot stand alone as a sentence; has a subject and a verb, a sentence that contains one …

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe crossword puzzle
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

the type of bird that leads the children through the forest, the country where the professor's house is, the colour of the witch in the story, the …

Things Fall Apart crossword puzzle
Things Fall Apart

okonkwo's friend who helped him sell and maintain his crops while he was exiled, the "white man's" religion, place in mbanta where christian …

Elements of a Short Story crossword puzzle
Elements of a Short Story

type of irony that has a set of circumstances which turn out to be the reverse, a plot device that makes reader curious, the type of character that …

Writing crossword puzzle

an attitude of a writer toward a subject or an audience, you write with a _ . your reason for writing, only provide summary. similar to annotations, …

Read and Write crossword puzzle
Read and Write

tries to convince readers, is achieved when ideas are logically and accurately correct, how the text physically appears, refers to the complete …

About Books & Literature Crossword Puzzles

A "Books and Literature" crossword puzzle collection has puzzles about different topics in books. The topics include famous authors, stories, book terms, characters, types of books, and fun facts about books. Learn more about literature in an interesting way using our crossword puzzles about books and stories.

Some puzzles focus on certain types of stories, like mystery or fantasy, while others focus on certain writers or literary prizes. Here, you can find puzzles for all skill levels.

How to Download Crossword Puzzles?

  • Click on any of the crossword Puzzle from the list.
  • Simply print out the puzzle on paper or cardstock to get started.

Use a pencil or pen to fill in the blanks. If you get stumped, no problem! The answers are included with the puzzle.

How to Edit Crossword Puzzles?

You can create your own crossword puzzles, by starting from scratch or by editing the existing puzzle (click on the "Edit" button in puzzle details page). You can edit the title, header, font style, clues font size, and words list. You also have the ability to shuffle questions and puzzle size.