Books and Literature Crossword Puzzles

Free printable books crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.

Showing 61-90 of 326 records

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College / SAT Level Vocabulary crossword puzzle
College / SAT Level Vocabulary

a subtle difference or distinction in expression, meaning, response, characterized by or showing servile obedience and excessive eagerness to please, …

Text Features crossword puzzle
Text Features

gives the topic/heading and page numbers of information and topics, bold words that state what the paragraphs or sections will be about, to show the …

Diary of a Wimpy Kid crossword puzzle
Diary of a Wimpy Kid

what character was greg in the play, the weird neighbor, main character, what greg and rowley like to do on their free time, what greg's costume …

William Blake crossword puzzle
William Blake

the suffering is clear to see o _ , even the church is turning its back on the suffering, proving that it is c _ , language device in "blights …

Figurative Devices crossword puzzle
Figurative Devices

a comparison that does not include the words like or as, a comparison that includes the words like or as, extreme exaggeration used to make a point, …

Narrative Writing crossword puzzle
Narrative Writing

a story made up of real or imagined experiences, a person depicted in a story, the leading character or one of the major characters in a drama, movie, …

Expository and Argumentative Essay crossword puzzle
Expository and Argumentative Essay

the purpose of an _ essay is to inform about a topic, a debatable opinion the writer is trying to prove, a response to the counterclaim that defends …

Analytical Exposition crossword puzzle
Analytical Exposition

the main point or argument of an analytical exposition, facts and figures used to support the thesis, breaking down a topic into its parts, the tense …

Intercultural Communication Insights crossword puzzle
Intercultural Communication Insights

the ability to connect and communicate effectively across cultural boundaries, self- _ : analyzing your own biases and prejudices, a critical …

Book of Exodus crossword puzzle
Book of Exodus

the man called by god to lead israel out of captivity, a man who hardened his heart to god's demands, the man who god gave to moses to help him lead …

Idioms crossword puzzle

head over...., ....on wood, a.... a dozen, excuse my...., finger..... good, mum's the...., hold your..., kick the...., let the.....out of the bag, …

Note-Taking Methods crossword puzzle
Note-Taking Methods

a small part of something, a word that is important to understand a given topic or subject, one of the most important, a way of doing something, a …

Lord of the Flies crossword puzzle
Lord of the Flies

what does simon represent? , who is the one who killed piggy? , before the boys were stranded, what group was jack the leader of? , who is ralph's …

Oliver Twist crossword puzzle
Oliver Twist

what was bill's dog called?, what did the boys eat?, what was oliver's crime?, who did bill murder?, who rescued oliver from the streets?, what did …

Classic Books crossword puzzle
Classic Books

a story about an old, selfish businessman who learns the real reason for the season, follows the turbulent relationship of the daughter of a country …

Figurative Language & Terms crossword puzzle
Figurative Language & Terms

words that appeal to our physical senses are called _ , _ is when the story is written like a poem, the _ is the main social topic of the story, …

Figurative Language Practice crossword puzzle
Figurative Language Practice

the herd of approaching elephants sounded like rolling thunder, a word that imitates a sound, peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, her eyes …

Creative Writing crossword puzzle
Creative Writing

the aim of this type of writing is to showcase a plot, whether it is a true story or an imaginary one. characters will appear in plot pieces, and the …

Film and Book Genre crossword puzzle
Film and Book Genre

follows a crime from when it happened to when it is solved, scary movie, people will sing, these movies are funny, a serious genre of film or book, …

Of Mice and Men crossword puzzle
Of Mice and Men

lennie is compared to a terrier, a horse and what other animal?, what is the name of slim's dog?, who shot candy's dog?, what is the name of the …

The Alchemist crossword puzzle
The Alchemist

the author of the alchemist, the myth featured in the prologue of the novel, an old man, the king of salem, a shapeshifter, the type of third person …

Writing Paragraphs crossword puzzle
Writing Paragraphs

helps tie all ideas together, shows reader how something smells sounds feels or taste, group of closely related sentences on the same topic, represent …

Elements of Drama crossword puzzle
Elements of Drama

a play portraying a scene or scenes from the bible, a kind of poetry with regular meter yet no rhyme, a type of comedy that uses preposterous …

Sherlock Holmes crossword puzzle
Sherlock Holmes

sherlock holme's occupation, a bad thing people get sent to jail for, what sherlock does after a crime, a person who is employed by the government to …

Edgar Allan Poe crossword puzzle
Edgar Allan Poe

who is the narrator morning for?, what country does the cask of an amontillado take place?, how did poe make money in college?, why does montresor …

Literary Elements crossword puzzle
Literary Elements

clues about what is going to happen, time and place of the action of the story, conflict(s) is/are revealed, events and conflicts start being …

Narrative Elements crossword puzzle
Narrative Elements

the story is told from a perspective outside the story.the characters are referred to by name, or as he, she or they, the message of the story, tells …

Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief crossword puzzle
Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief

main character, daughter of athena, percy's best friend, a satyr, percy's father, god of the sea, god of the sky, who loses his lightning bolt, god of …

Boy in the Striped Pajamas crossword puzzle
Boy in the Striped Pajamas

what was bruno's fathers name?, who was the main character?, where was bruno before they moved?, whose the boy bruno finds?, what was bruno's fathers …

Poetry Literary Terms crossword puzzle
Poetry Literary Terms

a figure of speech in which the part is used for the hole or vise versa, when animals, nature, objects, and ideas are given human qualities, an …