Books and Literature Crossword Puzzles

Free printable books crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.

Showing 61-90 of 273 records

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Sentence Structure - Phrases and Clauses crossword puzzle
Sentence Structure - Phrases and Clauses

a conjunction that joins two independent clauses together in a compound or compound-complex sentence; a comma comes before this word in a compound …

All About Shakespeare crossword puzzle
All About Shakespeare

what is shakespeare's first name?, his father's occupation, how long did his "lost years" last?, he was this as well as a playwright and a …

Idiomatic Expressions crossword puzzle
Idiomatic Expressions

fit as a _ . (very healthy and strong), wouldn't hurt a _ . (inoffensive and harmless), on cloud _ . (extremely happy), like a _ out of water. (very …

Fish in a Tree crossword puzzle
Fish in a Tree

how ally felt when called out, a baby _ is held for mrs. hall, a male friend of the main character, a word that ally defined correctly, …

Parts of the Sentence crossword puzzle
Parts of the Sentence

a complete thought, every sentences has this many sides, word that modifies and adjective, subject _ is linked to the subject by a linking verb, …

Elements of a Story crossword puzzle
Elements of a Story

the events or sequence of events that takes place in the story, the persons involved in the story, when or where the story takes place, the section of …

Poetry and Figurative Language crossword puzzle
Poetry and Figurative Language

you smell like a flower, the same beginning consonants sounds, jack is a monster, easy as pie, what i feel when i read a poem, i have a frog in my …

Creative Writing crossword puzzle
Creative Writing

the aim of this type of writing is to showcase a plot, whether it is a true story or an imaginary one. characters will appear in plot pieces, and the …

Figurative Devices crossword puzzle
Figurative Devices

a comparison that does not include the words like or as, a comparison that includes the words like or as, extreme exaggeration used to make a point, …

Figurative Language crossword puzzle
Figurative Language

a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind, used to make a description more emphatic or vivid, a …

Types of Pronouns crossword puzzle
Types of Pronouns

words that replace nouns or other pronouns; they take the place of people, places, things, or ideas, refer to specific people, places, or things …

The Hare and The Tortoise crossword puzzle
The Hare and The Tortoise

moving or capable of moving at high speed, a competition between runners, horses, vehicles, boats, etc. to see which is the fastest in covering a set …

Analytical Essay Writing crossword puzzle
Analytical Essay Writing

a paragraph in the main part of an essay that presents and supports a specific point or sub-argument, the correct arrangement of letters to form …

The Giver crossword puzzle
The Giver

what is the name of the new child jonas's family is taking care of, where does jonas go for his assignment, the people who decide everything, what do …

Bible Books crossword puzzle
Bible Books

dramatic prophet who saw wheels in wheels, history book in the nt, paul wrote a letter to this master of a runaway slave, writer of the first 5 books …

The Merchant of Venice crossword puzzle
The Merchant of Venice

" i am a jew. hath not a jew eyes?", he knew of jessica's plans to run away. shylock hears about it from him,, the play also takes place in …

Spy Fiction crossword puzzle
Spy Fiction

looking carefully at evidence to solve crimes, people who stop criminals as their job, another word for being spy related activity. espi _ , a famous …

Literature Terms Review! crossword puzzle
Literature Terms Review!

the context that prompted an article or speech to be written, appealing to emotion, a character meant to contrast with the main character to highlight …

The Witches crossword puzzle
The Witches

what organization did the witches pretend to be, under their wigs the witches were actually ----, the place where the grandmother lived, the witches …

Drama Vocabulary crossword puzzle
Drama Vocabulary

a type of performance where actors act out a story on stage, a role or part played by an actor in a play or show, someone who pretends to be a …

Tom Sawyer crossword puzzle
Tom Sawyer

whats the river they go on to get to the island?, who offers to adopt huck?, how did injun joe die?, where did the murder take place, boys hung a _ …

Hebrew Stories crossword puzzle
Hebrew Stories

brother of moses, gave moses his name, moses staff turned into one, the first plague, the nile flowed with, river in egypt, king of egypt, moses tamed …

Drama Terms Review crossword puzzle
Drama Terms Review

an individual in a literary work of fiction, drama, or narrative poetry, this type of irony a person says one thing but means another, drama that is …

Shakespeare Literary Terms crossword puzzle
Shakespeare Literary Terms

a short introduction at the beginning of a play that gives a brief overview of the plot, event or detail that is very inappropriate for the time …

Sayings crossword puzzle

some people are so nice, we say they wouldn't hurt a _ . , we say it's raining these when it is really pouring! (3 words) , if you are kidding, you …

Rhetorical Strategies crossword puzzle
Rhetorical Strategies

a work that closely imitates the style or content of another with the specific aim of comic effect and/or ridicule, an adjective that describes words, …

The Writing Process crossword puzzle
The Writing Process

use your ideas from your prewriting, check punctuation & sentence structure, correct errors in grammar, spelling, & capitalization, finalize …

Narrative Elements crossword puzzle
Narrative Elements

the story is told from a perspective outside the story.the characters are referred to by name, or as he, she or they, the message of the story, tells …

Short Stories crossword puzzle
Short Stories

clue that something important is about to happen, person telling the story, main idea of the story, the act of telling a story, it keeps the reader …

Book Genres crossword puzzle
Book Genres

they keep readers on their toes and use plot twists, red herrings, and cliffhangers to keep them guessing until the end, they remain true to everyday …