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Books and Literature Crossword Puzzles
Free printable books crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
a subtle difference or distinction in expression, meaning, response, characterized by or showing servile obedience and excessive eagerness to please, …
gives the topic/heading and page numbers of information and topics, bold words that state what the paragraphs or sections will be about, to show the …
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the suffering is clear to see o _ , even the church is turning its back on the suffering, proving that it is c _ , language device in "blights …
a comparison that does not include the words like or as, a comparison that includes the words like or as, extreme exaggeration used to make a point, …
a story made up of real or imagined experiences, a person depicted in a story, the leading character or one of the major characters in a drama, movie, …
the purpose of an _ essay is to inform about a topic, a debatable opinion the writer is trying to prove, a response to the counterclaim that defends …
the main point or argument of an analytical exposition, facts and figures used to support the thesis, breaking down a topic into its parts, the tense …
the ability to connect and communicate effectively across cultural boundaries, self- _ : analyzing your own biases and prejudices, a critical …
the man called by god to lead israel out of captivity, a man who hardened his heart to god's demands, the man who god gave to moses to help him lead …
head over...., ....on wood, a.... a dozen, excuse my...., finger..... good, mum's the...., hold your..., kick the...., let the.....out of the bag, …
a small part of something, a word that is important to understand a given topic or subject, one of the most important, a way of doing something, a …
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a story about an old, selfish businessman who learns the real reason for the season, follows the turbulent relationship of the daughter of a country …
words that appeal to our physical senses are called _ , _ is when the story is written like a poem, the _ is the main social topic of the story, …
the herd of approaching elephants sounded like rolling thunder, a word that imitates a sound, peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, her eyes …
the aim of this type of writing is to showcase a plot, whether it is a true story or an imaginary one. characters will appear in plot pieces, and the …
follows a crime from when it happened to when it is solved, scary movie, people will sing, these movies are funny, a serious genre of film or book, …
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the author of the alchemist, the myth featured in the prologue of the novel, an old man, the king of salem, a shapeshifter, the type of third person …
helps tie all ideas together, shows reader how something smells sounds feels or taste, group of closely related sentences on the same topic, represent …
a play portraying a scene or scenes from the bible, a kind of poetry with regular meter yet no rhyme, a type of comedy that uses preposterous …
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clues about what is going to happen, time and place of the action of the story, conflict(s) is/are revealed, events and conflicts start being …
the story is told from a perspective outside the story.the characters are referred to by name, or as he, she or they, the message of the story, tells …
main character, daughter of athena, percy's best friend, a satyr, percy's father, god of the sea, god of the sky, who loses his lightning bolt, god of …
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a figure of speech in which the part is used for the hole or vise versa, when animals, nature, objects, and ideas are given human qualities, an …