Essay Components Crossword Puzzle

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Essay Components Crossword Puzzle

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  • hashtag : the last sentence in your body paragraph(s) where you connect your evidence back to your position. this can also be referred to as a linking or closing sentence.
  • dictionary : you may use this item as a resource when writing essays during the eoc.
  • position : one sentence stating which side you're on using key words from the prompt. this is the most important sentence in an essay.
  • introduction : the first paragraph in an essay.
  • body : one or two paragraphs in an essay; these paragraphs contain your evidence.
  • hook : sentence(s) used to grab the reader's attention.
  • present day : the p in h.e.l.p. stands for this or pop culture
  • history : the h in h.e.l.p. stands for this
  • experience : the e in h.e.l.p. stands for this
  • conclusion : the last paragraph in your essay where you restate your position and sum up your main ideas.
  • stronger : example two should be _ than example one.
  • solution : if possible, offer a _ at the end of your essay.
  • topic sentence : the reason for your position/side, and the first sentence in your body paragraphs.
  • transitions : use these phrases to improve the flow of your essay.
  • literature : the l in h.e.l.p. stands for this