Writing and Communication Skills Crossword Puzzle

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  • outline : organized framework or structure for a piece of writing.
  • grammar : rules governing the structure and use of language.
  • punctuation : marks used in writing to separate sentences and clarify meaning.
  • research : systematic investigation into a subject to discover or verify information.
  • sources : documents, books, or websites providing information used in writing.
  • jstor : popular digital library offering academic journals, books, and primary sources.
  • credibility : quality of being trusted and believed in.
  • relevance : the relation of something to the matter at hand; pertinence.
  • bias : prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group.
  • citations : references to the sources of information or ideas used in a text.
  • bibliography : list of sources used in the preparation of a work.
  • mla : a common citation style used in humanities; stands for modern language association.
  • apa : citation style used for social sciences; stands for american psychological association.
  • chicago : citation style used in history and fine arts, noted for footnotes and bibliography.
  • brainstorming : generating ideas without immediately evaluating them.
  • free writing : writing continuously for a set period without concern for grammar or spelling.
  • draft : preliminary version of a piece of writing.
  • revise : to review and improve a draft by making changes.
  • peer review : evaluation of work by one or more people of similar competence to the creator(s).