Language of the Discipline Crossword Puzzle

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Language of the Discipline Crossword Puzzle

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  • stage directions : tell the actors what to do and how to say their lines
  • alliteration : two or more words in a phrase or sentence with the same beginning sound
  • simile : a comparison using like or as
  • figurative : language that doesn't really mean what it says
  • characteristic : the feature of a person or thing
  • sound effects : noises made off stage
  • scene : this changes when the setting changes in a play
  • events : important things that happen in a story
  • setting : the time and place a story or poem happens
  • playwright : the author of the script
  • dialogue : lines the actors say
  • inference : background knowledge and text clues help readers make this: an _
  • stanza : a group of lines in a poem
  • rhyme : words with the same ending sound
  • conflict : the problem in the story
  • free verse : a poem without rhyme or rhythm
  • repetition : when words are repeated in a poem
  • sensory : language that appeals to the readers' senses
  • props : the objects used by actors
  • theme : the message the author wants to convey