The Giver Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: gabriel: what is the name of the new child jonas's family is taking care of, annex room: where does jonas go for his assignment, elders: the people who decide everything, bicycle: what do the nine's receive at the ceremony of nine, giver: the title of one of the elders, nineteen: what number is jonas for the ceremony, community: where jonas lives, fiona: this person has red hair, jonas: main character, stirrings: what you feel when you have feelings for someone, christmas: the giver's favorite memory, apple: in what does jonas first see the color red in, honored: what the head chief said he was for earning this assignment, birth mother: what assignment did jonas's mother say was a dishonor, snack: what did asher really mean when he said smacks, asher: who was recreational director, elephant: lily's comfort object, assignment: , snow: jonas's first memory