Reading Strategies Crossword Puzzle

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Reading Strategies Crossword Puzzle

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  • skimming: quick reading to get a general idea of the content of a text.
  • scanning: looking for a specific content in a text.
  • para text: a set of elements and features that surround a main text, providing additional context.
  • survey: looking at the title, headings, pictures, or graphs of a text.
  • topic sentence: the main sentence in a paragraph.
  • context: it is used to infer the meaning of a word
  • extensive: reading for pleasure
  • intensive: reading to understand details.
  • pre reading: one of the three stages in a reading comprehension process.
  • in short: linking phrase used to summarize ideas.
  • meanwhile: linking word used to express "at the same time".
  • adverb: part of speech of the word "hard"