Famous Myths Crossword Puzzle

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  • pandora: opened a box of evils
  • icarus: flew too close to the sun
  • odysseus: hero of the odyssey
  • hercules: completed 12 labors
  • achilles: hero with a heel weakness
  • narcissus: fell in love with his reflection
  • medusa: gorgon with snake hair
  • sisyphus: rolled a boulder uphill eternally
  • minotaur: half-man, half-bull
  • prometheus: stole fire for humanity
  • orpheus: musician who tried to rescue eurydice
  • theseus: slayer of the minotaur
  • perseus: killed medusa
  • jason: leader of the argonauts
  • oedipus: solved the sphinx's riddle
  • arachne: turned into a spider
  • daedalus: crafted the labyrinth
  • phoenix: bird that rises from its ashes
  • midas: king with the golden touch
  • cerberus: three-headed guard dog of hades