Reading Fluency Crossword Puzzle
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- cross age rading : a routine for fluency development that pairs upper-grade reader with younger children.
- readers theater : the oral presentation of drama, prose, or poetry by two or more readers.
- automated reading : students listen individually to an audio recording while reading along with the written story.
- support reading strategy : a strategy that designed to develop the ability to develop the ability to read fluently by combining several instructional elements.
- choral reading : oral reading, often of poetry, that makes use of various voice combinations and contrasts to create meaning or highlight the tonal qualities of a passage.
- automaticity : the automatic, almost subconscious recognition and understanding of written text.
- oral recitation lesson : a lesson that makes use of direct instruction and student practice, including reading in chorus, as a means of incorporating fluency into daily reading instruction.
- repeated readings : reading short passages of a text more than once, with different levels of support, to develop rapid, fluent oral reading.
- predictable text : literature that is distinguished by familiar or predictable characteristics of setting, story line, language patterns, or rhyme and consequently can promote fluency.
- paired reading : structured collaborative work involving pairs of children of the same or different reading ability to foster reading fluency.
- fluency : the ability to read easily and well.