Poetic Devices Crossword Puzzle
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- assonance: when a group of words close together contain the same vowel sound in the middle of the words for effect
- alliteration: when a group of words close together start with the same sound for effect
- hyperbole: extreme exaggeration of an idea
- imagery: when the poet appeals to the readers' 5 senses to make their work relatable.imagery
- oxymoron: two words of opposite meaning that are put together, with one describing the other.
- rhyme: words or lines of poetry that have the same sound at the end
- metaphor: comparing two things, saying one thing is another.
- simile: comparing two things, saying one thing is like another (using 'like' or 'as')
- personification: a type of metaphor - giving inhuman things human qualities
- onomatopoeia: sound word - where the word used is actually the sound being described
- repetition: when a word, or phrase, is repeated within a stanza or poem for effect.
- juxtaposition: two ideas/images of opposite meaning near each other, their differences making a point for the reader.