Exploring Conflict in Literature Crossword Puzzle

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Exploring Conflict in Literature Crossword Puzzle

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  • conflict : the struggle between opposing forcing; that element that keeps the story moving forward.
  • internal external : the two main types of conflicts are _ and _ conflicts..
  • five : there are _ types of external conflicts.
  • character : when a character struggles against another - protagonist against the antagonist. this type of conflict is known as character vs. _ .
  • nature : when a character struggles against forces in nature. this type of conflict is known as character vs. _ .
  • society : when a character stands up to support their belief. the character struggles against the laws of the community. this type of conflict is known character vs. _ .
  • technology : when a character struggles with something that is man-made. this type of conflict is known as character vs. _ .
  • supernatural : when a character struggles with anything beyond human control, understanding or forces not of this world. this is known as character vs. _
  • self : a struggle within the character. this conflict involves a decision the character is trying to make.