Literature: Drama Crossword Puzzle

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Literature: Drama Crossword Puzzle

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  • playwright: person who writes plays
  • narrator: person who gives us the background of the play and fills in the gaps
  • script: text of a play, including the dialogue and stage directions
  • cast: actors who act in a play
  • stage directions: these tell the actors what to do; usually written in brackets, in italics. (2 words)
  • props: the items used in the play.
  • dialogue: parts that are spoken by the actors.
  • colon: the punctuation mark after a character's name to introduce dialogue.
  • scene: smaller chunks that the play is divided into when the set changes.
  • ellipsis: punctuation marks which indicate hesitation or an incomplete sentence
  • sub genre: for example: comedy, mystery or tragedy.
  • tone of voice: how something is said (3 words)
  • setting: where and when the story takes place