Drama Definitions Crossword Puzzle

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Drama Definitions Crossword Puzzle

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  • character: the actor makes use of characterization to try and become a believable _ .
  • pitch: how high or low the sound is that you make with your voice.
  • tension: the stress that is stored in your body is known as _ .
  • pause: the moment an actor takes to breathe or create dramatic tension.
  • mood: the way the character is feeling.
  • alternate: antiphon is when smaller groups _ while performing a poem.
  • pace: how fast or slow you speak or move.
  • resonance: a way we make our voices louder without hurting our vocal cords.
  • volume: how loud or soft you speak.
  • disagreements: an argument or situation in which people do not have the same opinion.
  • tone: the emotion that your voice carries.
  • improvisation: music, drama, etc, created spontaneously.
  • beat: the rhythm is the specific _ of the poem.
  • script: the text written down for rehearsal purposes.
  • unison: when a whole group performs a poem and speaks together at the same time, they are speaking in _ .
  • cumulative: method is when one person starts to speak and then others join in later while performing a poem.