Theater Terms Crossword Puzzle
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- set : the scenery and props used to create the location of a play.
- script : the written text of a play, including dialogue and stage directions.
- antagonist : the character who opposes the protagonist.
- downstage : the part of the stage closest to the audience.
- audience : the people who watch the play and react to it.
- exit : the act of leaving the stage.
- action : the physical movement or gestures performed by actors.
- drama : a genre of performance that tells a story through action and dialogue.
- cue : a signal for an actor to speak, move, or perform an action.
- upstage : the part of the stage farthest from the audience.
- actor : a person who performs in a play, movie, or television show.
- monologue : a long speech by one character in a play.
- prop : an object used on stage by actors during a performance.
- character : a fictional person in a play, story, or movie.
- comedy : a play designed to make the audience laugh.
- dialogue : conversation between characters in a play.
- role : a character or part played by an actor.
- scene : a division of a play where the action happens in one place at one time.
- chorus : a group of performers who comment on the action of a play, often in unison.
- tragedy : a play that tells a story of sorrow or loss, often with a sad ending.
- director : the person responsible for the artistic vision of a play.
- entrance : the act of coming onto the stage.
- protagonist : the main character in a play or story.
- setting : the time and place where a play’s story occurs.
- freeze : to stop all movement and hold a pose during a performance.