Bible Books Crossword Puzzle

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  • ezekiel : dramatic prophet who saw wheels in wheels
  • acts : history book in the nt
  • philemon : paul wrote a letter to this master of a runaway slave
  • moses : writer of the first 5 books of the bible
  • exodus : tells about the exit from egypt
  • poetry : ot section where you find psalms
  • leviticus : books of sacrifice laws
  • daniel : he wrote a book of prophecy and was in a lion's den
  • jeremiah : often called the weeping prophet
  • esther : queen who saved the jews from genocide
  • luke : wrote the book of acts
  • joshua : book named for the general who led them into the land
  • shorter : minor prophets are called "minor" because they are _
  • paul : wrote most of the nt letters
  • jonah : prophet who ended up inside a fish
  • matthew : first book in the nt
  • genesis : first book in the bible
  • malachi : last book of the ot
  • titus : paul wrote 1 letter to him, about the church
  • gospels : nt section books that tell the life of jesus
  • samuel : prophet who anointed david, and 2 books in the ot are named for him
  • david : he wrote many of the psalms
  • lamentations : jeremiah's lament over jerusalem
  • proverbs : book of wise sayings