Books and Literature Crossword Puzzles

Free printable books crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.

Showing 121-150 of 326 records

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Fictional Genres crossword puzzle
Fictional Genres

seems like a real story until a folkloric figure shows upe, larger than life main character and lots of exaggeration, involves gods/ heroes and the …

Figurative Language crossword puzzle
Figurative Language

a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind, used to make a description more emphatic or vivid, a …

Classical Literature crossword puzzle
Classical Literature

jane austen's novel about societal norms and love, f. scott fitzgerald's tale of wealth, love, and the american dream, jorge luis borges' collection …

Syntax and Morphology crossword puzzle
Syntax and Morphology

noun type for intangible entities, unable to be detected by the five senses, a finite group of words that can replace a noun, this type of verbal uses …

Types of Character crossword puzzle
Types of Character

a character who remains the same throughout the story, without significant growth or change, a character who is one-dimensional and lacks depth, often …

Types of Pronouns crossword puzzle
Types of Pronouns

words that replace nouns or other pronouns; they take the place of people, places, things, or ideas, refer to specific people, places, or things …

Alice In Wonderland crossword puzzle
Alice In Wonderland

the mad hatter and march hare host a chaotic and perpetual party, alice's insatiable desire to explore and understand her surroundings, a popular …

Agatha Christie crossword puzzle
Agatha Christie

her second husbands occupation, _ friends - she had these when she was young, helped her build characters, why she became an author, agatha's second …

A Wish in the Dark crossword puzzle
A Wish in the Dark

the child that knows how to make light, the protesters did this to show their beliefs, these types of light power everything in the story, the head …

Folklore crossword puzzle

a collection of stories believed by different communities around the world, social groups of people who share common ancestry, culture, language, and …

Language Structure crossword puzzle
Language Structure

repetition creates a rhythmic pattern, contributing to the musical quality of a text and enhancing its emotive power, it focuses on creative …

Non-Fiction Text Features crossword puzzle
Non-Fiction Text Features

is darker than the rest of the text to draw your attention to the important term, symbols that convey information in a list, the explanation that …

Types of Writing crossword puzzle
Types of Writing

a personal account of a person’s life written by the same person, dramas expected to be acted out on a stage, a piece of non-fiction writing that …

Structure of Personal Letter crossword puzzle
Structure of Personal Letter

when the letter is written, the part indicates the letter is going to end, place where you are writing from, the opening of the letter usually starts …

Tom Sawyer crossword puzzle
Tom Sawyer

whats the river they go on to get to the island?, who offers to adopt huck?, how did injun joe die?, where did the murder take place, boys hung a _ …

Percy Jackson crossword puzzle
Percy Jackson

percy jackson author, thalia's brother, percy's younger half brother, son of hermes, son of hades, hera's roman aspect, daughter of zeus, daughter of …

Literature Vocabulary crossword puzzle
Literature Vocabulary

in the wrong time, official letter, proverb, a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object, deliberate repetition, especially …

Poetry Devices crossword puzzle
Poetry Devices

a line or phrase that recurs throughout a poem - especially at the end of stanzas, the rhythmic or musical quality of a poem. in metrical verse, this …

Lord of the Rings crossword puzzle
Lord of the Rings

_ is a very scary creature, _ is bilbo's and frodo's last name, _ is the land of the dark lord, _ is the ring bearer, _ baggins is frodo's uncle, _ is …

Around the World in 80 Days crossword puzzle
Around the World in 80 Days

information that is passed from one person to another but has not been proven to be true, wealth; a large sum of money, a ship powered by steam, to …

Christmas Traditions History crossword puzzle
Christmas Traditions History

a poem published in new york in 1823 called a visit from st. nicholas was the first time the reindeer were all mentioned by their _ , a visit from st …

Books and Authors crossword puzzle
Books and Authors

author of the lord of the rings (7), _ and the chocolate factory, book by roald dahl (7), jane _ , novel by a bronte sister (4), _ larsson, author of …

Debating Vocabulary crossword puzzle
Debating Vocabulary

a set of reasons or statements to convince someone of a point of view. in a debate, people share these to support what they think, an opposing idea …

Terms of Different Genres crossword puzzle
Terms of Different Genres

a place where a story happens, people that are in a play, a speech that is said by a character, biology belongs to this genre, a dramatical story with …

Drama Definitions crossword puzzle
Drama Definitions

the actor makes use of characterization to try and become a believable _ , how high or low the sound is that you make with your voice, the stress that …

Type of Book crossword puzzle
Type of Book

literature in the form of prose that describes imaginary events and people, the faculty or activity of imagining impossible or improbable things, a …

Literacy Elements crossword puzzle
Literacy Elements

an expression that can't be understood based on its literal meaning, _ conflict - the inward conflict between a character and himself/herself, _ …

Plot Structure and Figurative Language crossword puzzle
Plot Structure and Figurative Language

a phrase using two words of opposite meanings, words that represent sounds, the conflict; the events leading up to the climax, repetition of …

Argument and Literary Devices crossword puzzle
Argument and Literary Devices

an opening that grabs a reader's attention, the author or speaker's opinion, the reasons and evidence offered to support a claim, acknowledging the …

Rhetorical Methods crossword puzzle
Rhetorical Methods

similes and metaphors, "one day i was walking down the road and...", shakespeare, world war 1, an expert on a subject, 95% of canadians are …