Name That Poetry Term Crossword Puzzle

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Name That Poetry Term Crossword Puzzle

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  • alliteration : the repetition of identical consonant or vowel sounds within a single line of poetry.
  • rhythm : a pattern of beats or accents
  • off rhyme : a rhyme that involves sound that are close but not the same
  • haiku : japanese poetry that uses three lines of seventeen syllables
  • limerick : a humorous form of verse
  • consonance : the similarity of consonant sounds in poetry
  • rhyme : identical sounds in poetry
  • couplet : a pair of lines in poetry
  • stanza : a group of two or more verse lines involving length, metrical form, and rhyme scheme
  • foot : a metrical unit consisting of two or more syllables, one of which is stressed
  • end rhyme : the similar sounds at the ends of two or more lines of poetry
  • meter : poetic measure
  • sonnet : a poem consisting of 14 lines of iambic pentameter
  • free verse : verse without a fixed pattern of rhythm and rhyme
  • tetrameter : a poetic line of four feet
  • assonance : the recurrence of vowel sounds in poetry
  • iamb : a metric foot of two syllables; the first is unstressed, the second is stressed
  • enjambment : a line of poetry that runs on in meaning to the next line
  • pentameter : a line of verse of five feet