Literacy Elements Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: idiom : an expression that can't be understood based on its literal meaning, internal: _ conflict - the inward conflict between a character and himself/herself, dynamic : _ character - a literary of dramatic character who undergoes an important inner change, theme : the underlying meaning of a story that the writer wants the reader to learn, dramatic : _ irony - when the audience knows something that the characters do not, indirect : _ characterization - the process by which the personality of the character is revealed, verbal: _ irony - when something spoken is not what you really mean, allusion : a reference to something from a known field or area that a readers would recognize and connect with while they are reading, direct: _ characterization - the writer reveals the personality of the character through actual words in the literature, external : _ conflict - the outward struggle between a character and another character,nature,or society, situational : _ irony - an event that happens that is completely opposite of what was expected to happen, static character : a literary or dramatic character who does not change throughout the course of the literature, protagonist : the main character in a story, antagonist : the opposing character or force in a story that is against the main character, analogy : a comparison in which an idea or a thing is compared to another idea or thing that is quite different