Idioms / Figurative Expressions Crossword Puzzle

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Idioms / Figurative Expressions Crossword Puzzle

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  • feather: it is a _ in one's cap to obtain 1st place. (an honour)
  • chip: that boy is a _ off the old block. (resembles his father)
  • fish: isabella felt like a _ out of water. (out of place)
  • blanket: don't be a wet _ . (a spoil-sport)
  • goose: the detective was sent on a wild- _ chase. (a mission with no possibility of success)
  • fuel: do not add _ to the fire. (make matters more difficult than what they already are)
  • eggs: do not put all your _ in one basket. (risk everything in one venture)
  • pace: he walks at a snail's _ since the operation. (very slowly)
  • hour: henry did his project at the eleventh _ . (last minute)
  • bush: i will not beat about the _ . i will get straight to the point.
  • back: she went behind my _ to the teacher. (without one's knowledge)
  • water: blood is thicker than _ . (family counts first)
  • candle: the student burnt the _ at both ends to study for the exams. (overworked)
  • bridge: i'll cross that _ when i get there. (not worry about something until faced with it)
  • air: we should clear the _ . (remove doubts or difficulties)