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Books and Literature Crossword Puzzles
Free printable books crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
the scenery and props used to create the location of a play, the written text of a play, including dialogue and stage directions, the character who …
the name of a book or song. for example, you might ask "what's the _ of her new book?", something placed in a book to mark a page, a section …
naming word, shows the relationship/position of the noun/pronoun to the rest of the sentence, shortened forms of a word/phrase, said as a full word, …
snow white's hair is black as .., he has got orders to kill snow white but he can't do it, it is in the kitchen or living-room. it is necessary to …
a piece of writing about a particular subject in a newspaper or magazine, on a website, a written, typed or printed message that is put in an …
a theatrical device where a character briefly addresses the audience directly, typically speaking their thoughts or revealing information that other …
name of the book, contains basic information about the book, may contain the review of the book, connector of front and back cover, the writer of the …
what someone is arguing overall and why this is their argument?, the flavours or feelings of a piece of writing- it helps us identify the feelings or …
hare thinks that racing a slow tortoise is _ , rabbits are _ than tortoises, hare does not take the race _ , _ keeps a slow and steady pace, hare …
a form of visual art with images and words, an artist who creates cartoons, a preliminary drawing made with pencils, the conversation between …
the study that is concerned with speech sounds as organised in connected speech, the study of meaningful speech sounds, this study is interested in …
initials emroidered on towels, king or queen, control by ‘one’, believing that there is only one god, a train which uses ‘one’ rail instead of …
a piece of cake, break a leg, drop the ball = make a _ , hold your horses, zip your lips, tough cookie, be a _ person, when pigs will fly = it will _ …
add a description to a graphic, state the precise meaning, give an account in words of a diagram etc, provide a summary in words, name something, …
an exaggerated line to not be taken literally, a phrase that means something other than the sum of individual words, judgement that forms an idea of …
revolution, technology, possible futures, space, innovation, uncovering hidden truths, story that explains a natural phenomenon, resource books for …
person who writes plays, person who gives us the background of the play and fills in the gaps, text of a play, including the dialogue and stage …
literary device using exaggeration (9 letters), a type of poem with 14 lines (6 letters), a long narrative poem (4 letters), a literary genre focusing …
it is a _ in one's cap to obtain 1st place. (an honour), that boy is a _ off the old block. (resembles his father), isabella felt like a _ out of …
a combination of letters and numbers that identifies the location and subject matter of books and other library resources, this part of the collection …
greek war epic, homer’s adventure, old english saga, virgil’s epic, dante’s journey, milton’s poem, indian epic, indian epic, mesopotamian …
shirley jackson's unsettling tale, ray bradbury's time-travel story, maupassant's tale of a lost jewel, o. henry's story of sacrifice, connell's hunt …
prince of denmark, thane who becomes king, moorish general in venice, king with three daughters, lover of romeo, lover of juliet, comic knight in …
diary from hiding in wwii, biography of the apple founder, autobiography "long walk to freedom", memoir "the glass castle", …
author of "foundation" series, wrote "fahrenheit 451", known for "i have no mouth, and i must scream", author of …
process of sharing and conveying messages or information, spoken words, actions, control behavior, develop bonds and intimacy, persuades or encourages …
a farmer in his middle thirties. had an affair with abigail. he is a powerful man who refuses to follow hypocrites. he sees himself as a fraud, …
a violent windy storm, which character is a sprite, who was the banished one, the father of ferdinand, how many years was ariel imprisoned, who was …
the main protagonist and twin brother in 'gravity falls.', the teenage girl who works at the mystery shack and dipper has a crush on, the duplicate of …
cuteness or charm, esp. of a sort considered characteristic of korean popular culture. also: behaviour regarded as cute, charming, or adorable, …