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Sports Crossword Puzzles
Sports Crosswords Puzzle is perfect for sports lovers! This puzzle is filled with fun and challenging questions about your favorite sports teams and players. Whether you are a fan of football, basketball, baseball, or any other sport, this puzzle is sure to test your knowledge.
a football competition that happens every four years between teams from many countries, to take a player off the field and put another one on in their …
cyclones do this on a thursday night, quick change of play, passing from one side of the pitch to the other, if we are not playing at home we are _ , …
Basketball is a game played between two teams of five players each on a rectangular court, usually indoors.
a game played with a ball by tall people, in basketball and soccer you do this, the international sports competition that's happening this summer, you …
a sport played with a round ball, typically involving two teams of 11 players, a team sport played on a court, where points are scored by shooting a …
an easy catch, position in the grass, a pitch that curves, a ball hit into the air, the position player behind the plate, 3 balls and 2 strikes, a …
holding the ball, stepping with one foot while the other foot stays on one spot, dribble,jump,catch, and land on both feet all in one motion, shot in …
a referee blows this object to stop a sports match or game, a type of clothes that you wear to keep your body warm in the ocean, a winter sport that …
how many nba championships does tim duncan have?, who played the most games in nba history?, who has the most steals in nba history?, who won rookie …
men and women play this sport. a team has eleven players, you need a racquet and small yellow or green balls to play this sport, this sport includes …
new york, philadelphia, atlanta, seattle, los angeles, new england, cleveland, detroit, chicago, houston, los angeles, indianapolis, carolina, …
riding on the top of a wave, buying things, moving about wearing special boots with steel parts, a building with a stage in it, a place where people …
when a batter hits the ball safely in fair play and gets to second base, a ball hit such that the batter can advance safely to a base without the aid …
A human activity involving physical exertion and skill as the primary focus of the activity.
nba legend with the bulls, brazilian soccer icon, "the greatest" boxer, fastest man alive, swiss tennis champion, dominant female tennis …
famous nba team based in los angeles, renowned baseball team from new york, popular american football team based in dallas, baseball team based in …
where we can walk over rivers without getting wet, players that defend the goal but cannot take the ball with their hands, player that leads the team, …
the act of raising one's center of gravity higher in the vertical plane solely with the use of one's own muscles, the national basketball association, …
ball that lands inside of the two foul lines, number of players on the field in a slow pitch softball game, when a batter swings and misses the ball, …
an movement where you jump into the water, something that we swim in, usually parted into 4 in a pool, a stroke in swimming in which both arms are …
throwing the ball to make a basket, holding one foot stationary while stepping in any direction with the other foot, how long an offensive player man …
russian chess champion and author, american who won the world chess championship, norwegian world chess champion, indian grandmaster and former world …
a situation where a piece cannot move without exposing a more valuable piece behind it to capture, a line of squares that runs at an angle, where …
"going in one more round when you don’t think you can – that’s what makes all the difference in your life.”, elektra natchios's weapon of …
who monitors the game?, teams wear matching?, each half starts with a?, when you kick the ball to a teammate it is called a?, when you get kicked out …
the players that usually wear numbers 9-15 are known as, the player who puts the ball into the scrum, when the ball goes out of play along the side, …
being able to play a match for a long time takes?, a game with 7 female players, the area where netball is played on, being able to bend in any way …
world cup 2022 organization, which country host 2022 world cup, the sport playing in the world cup, argentine professional footballer who plays as a …
american swimmer, olympic gold medalist, swiss tennis player, olympic gold medalist, american basketball player, won olympic gold medals, female …
the unwritten rules concerning players or spectators behaviour, playing within the spirit of the sport and using polite and fair behaviour, bending …