Bowling Terms Crossword Puzzle

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Bowling Terms Crossword Puzzle

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  • mark : a spare or a strike.
  • spare : all ten pins down on two ball rolls of a frame.
  • loft : the time and distance that a thrown bowling ball travels in the air before contacting the lane surface.
  • clean game : a single game of bowling where the player has a mark in all ten frames.
  • turkey : three strikes in a row during a single bowling game.
  • strike : all ten pins down on the first roll.
  • wombat : getting a spare after throwing a gutter ball on the first throw.
  • anchor : this is usually the best bowler on the team, and/or the bowler considered to be the coolest under pressure.
  • heavy : a shot that hits more of the head pin than desired, often resulting in a split.
  • sleeper : a hidden pin left behind another pin after the first ball roll.
  • open frame : any frame in which a strike or spare was not made.
  • sandbagger : a bowler who intentionally bowls poorly early in a season compared to his actual skill level, in order to record a low average.
  • pin action : phrase used when describing pins that hit one another and fall.
  • chicken : 3 spares in a row in a single game.
  • handicap : a system to help a bowler of lessor skill to be competitive with higher skilled bowlers in league or tournament play.
  • average : this is a method for a bowler to compare their skill against other bowlers.
  • pocket : the ideal place for the ball to hit the pins in order to maximize strike potential.