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Electronics & Electrical Crossword Puzzles
Gain deeper knowledge and vocabulary in the electrical and electronics fields with free printable electronics crossword puzzles. Download one today and challenge yourself with your knowledge of Fibre Optics, circuits, and other components related to electricity.
there is more than one path for the charge to follow, a pathway for charges to flow, it allows the current to flow if it is closed, there is one path …
capability of the analyte to conduct an electrical current is monitored, measurement of current between a pair of electrodes at a given applied …
measured in ohms , different metals placed in a paste electrolyte , a part of an electric circuit which provides energy , different metals placed in a …
are a temporary measures only, _ associate - individuals who face the risk of electric shock, but are not qualified to make repairs to electrical …
this is a single electrochemical cell, or it is a combination of electrochemical cells connected together, in a battery, this type of energy separates …
the time rate of flow of electric charge, the unit of electric current, materials in which electric charge flows readily, materials in which electrons …
investigate our natural world, the results of the operation of a system, create our designed world, desired specifications (elements or features) of a …
a machine that dispenses cash or performs other banking services when an account holder inserts a bank card, a global computer network providing a …
negatively charged particles that orbit the nucleus of an atom, a prefix used to indicate one thousand, the center of an atom, the basic unit of …
electromagnetic radiation we can see, the process of introducing a negative (alkaline) product into he skin using electrical current, a substance that …
it is the ratio of the charge on the conductor to the potential voltage produced, is the energy source of where capacitors are contained in, contains …
the part of the atom that moves in a wire to make electricity, the measurement of the flow of electrons, a type of energy made from the flow of …
there is more than one path for the charge to follow, a pathway for charges to flow, it allows the current to flow if it is closed, there is one path …
a device that uses a magnet to convert sound into electrical charges, an electrical circuit that produces a magnetic field, materials that do not …
measures electric current in a circuit. (8), units of measurement for electric current. (4), everything is made of these neutral particles. (4), two …
can move freely from one atom to the next, force with which electrons travel, direct movement of electrons, opposition of current, common circuit on …
wire or strip of fusible metal that melts and interrupts the circuit when the current exceeds a preset amperage, any material that will not allow …
a component which restricts the flow of current, what resistance is measured in, what capacitance is measured in, a component which stores electrical …
material or device used to prevent the passage of heat, electricity, electrical characteristic of a conductor, the force that causes electrons to flow …
used for washing, toasting bread, let's listen to news and songs, i'm doing research on google, used to absorb dust, we use it when it's windy, used …
the reference voltage that is usually assumed to be at zero potential, measure of opposition in an ac circuit, the _ constant is said to be reached at …
electric current is measured in this, electrons do not pass through it, a circuit that has electricity flowing is this, generators use these to make …
uses small amount of current to control large amount of current, specifically used to test armatures, an instrument use to measure the commutator run …
what is the unit to measure the potential difference?, give an example to understand the concept of potential difference?, name the device that stores …
the application of components such as circuit breakers and fuses to safely de-energize a circuit when the current exceeds a predetermined value, the …
law stating that electric current is proportional to voltage and inversely proportional to resistance, electric current flowing in one direction only, …
basic unit of power that is the product of voltage multiplied by current, material or device used to prevent the passage of heat, electricity, …
electricity is a flow of electric.., two types of charge are positive and.., a material that electricity cannot flow through, a material that carries …
the amount of 3v batteries i would need to power a 24v motor, a material that doesn't allow electricity through, the strength of electricity that a …
what type of circuit has components connected in separate loops?, what are the units for energy transferred (e)?, energy transferred = voltage x ?, …
With increasing technological advances, understanding the basics of this technology can open up many new opportunities for you in terms of employment or a career change.
Build a strong foundation for bigger projects; increase your vocabulary and ensure you stay up-to-date on the latest trends in all things electrical. Make sure you print a puzzle or two today!