Basic Electrical Terms Crossword Puzzle

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Basic Electrical Terms Crossword Puzzle

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  • fuse: wire or strip of fusible metal that melts and interrupts the circuit when the current exceeds a preset amperage.
  • insulator: any material that will not allow electricity to easily flow through.
  • generator: a machine which converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.
  • receptacle: an electrical outlet into which the plug of an electrical device may be inserted.
  • watt: a unit measuring electric power.
  • battery: a single or group of connected electric cells that produces a direct electric current (dc)
  • surge: a short duration of increased voltage.
  • current: the movement or flow of electricity through a conductor.
  • conductor: a substance or material that allows electrons, or electrical current , to flow through it.
  • switch: used to break the connections in an electrical circuit.
  • meter: an instrument that records the amount of something passing through it, such as electricity.
  • amps: measurement of current flow through a conductor.
  • ohms: the unit of measurement of the electrical resistance of a material.
  • electricity: the flow of electrons.
  • ground: an electrical connection to the earth.
  • grid: a power system's layout of its substations and power lines.
  • volt: the unit of measurement of force used to produce an electric current.