Current, Resistance & Ohms Crossword Puzzle

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Current, Resistance & Ohms Crossword Puzzle

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  • electric current : this is defined as the amount of charge passing a point in a conductor every second.
  • ohms law : this is the relationship between voltage, current and resistance, which is usually written as a formula: v = ir.
  • total : in a series circuit, the sum of the voltages lost on the loads equals the _ voltage supplied by the battery.
  • mega : this prefix represents one million.
  • resistor : this is an electrical component that has a specific resistance and are marked with coloured bands.
  • parallel : when a load is placed in _ with another load, another pathway is created so the total resistance must decrease.
  • decrease : since loads placed in series increase the total resistance of the circuit, they _ the total current throughout the circuit.
  • load : this causes resistance by hindering the flow of electrons.
  • ohm : this is the unit used to measure resistance.
  • series circuit : this is a circuit that has only one path for the current (electrons) to travel.
  • battery : in an electrical circuit, this is similar to a pump; it raises charges to a higher level of electrical potential energy.
  • current : resistance is inversely proportional to this.
  • high : a light bulb filament has this kind of resistance.
  • voltage : current is directly proportional to this.
  • kilo : this prefix represents one thousand.
  • parallel circuit : this is a circuit that has several different paths for the current (electrons) to travel.
  • milli : this prefix represents one-thousandth.
  • switch : this is like a valve that determines whether electrons are allowed to flow through the circuit or not.
  • sum : the total current entering a junction point must equal the _ of the current leaving the junction point.
  • equal : since there is only one path for the electrons to travel in the series circuit, the current in each part of the circuit is this.
  • junction point : the location where a circuit divides into multiple paths or where multiple paths combine is called this.
  • current electricity : this is the continuous flow of charge through a complete (closed) circuit.
  • resistance : this is the property of any material that slows down the flow of electrons and converts electrical energy into other forms of energy.
  • same : loads that are in parallel have the _ voltage as each other.
  • wires : these have very little resistance.