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Electronics & Electrical Crossword Puzzles
Free printable electronics crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
basic unit of power that is the product of voltage multiplied by current, material or device used to prevent the passage of heat, electricity, …
electricity is a flow of electric.., two types of charge are positive and.., a material that electricity cannot flow through, a material that carries …
what type of circuit has components connected in separate loops?, what are the units for energy transferred (e)?, energy transferred = voltage x ?, …
this is defined as the amount of charge passing a point in a conductor every second, this is the relationship between voltage, current and resistance, …
unmanned aerial vehicle, portable computer, video gaming device, network device for wi-fi, touchscreen computer, device for paper printing, mobile …
a small, electronic device, the programs that run on computers, a network of computers that allows people to share information, a machine that can …
what is the name of two terminals in a battery?, this sport is referred as football in england, a circuit that has electricity flowing is this, what …
type of current that changes direction periodically, unit of measurement for electrical resistance, device used to control the flow of current, type …
the general mass of ..... is used for a tt system, this system uses an earth electrode, which system uses a combined earth and neutral conductor?, …
company - advertise products/services, online purchases of products, give background information about the company, charity - give presentations …
this type of potential occurs on the cell body, the highest concentration of this is found in the ecf, a membrane potential more negative than …
a method of separating a mixture of dyes, a method of separating sand and water, a soluble substance can.., made of two or more substances that are …
a recorder that takes the messages you leave on a phone, a standard which allows two devices to easily connect to each other. usually used to connect …
the unit of energy, the unit of resistance, the rate at which energy is transferred, the unit of charge, a measure of the opposition to current flow, …
a logic or hard channel option gate with two switches, a feature of eaton wingman radar electronics that allows the system to be programmed to message …
a path that electrical currents can flow through, element with the atomic number 14. it is a semiconductor that makes up 27.7% of the earth's crust!, …
technologies that support the programmed rules, send a message to a single host, transmit information to one or more end devices, converting …
the volume of electrons that move through a conductor is called the "intensity" of the current flow, measured in blank, the complete path …
double pole single throw switch, _ switch, precision electrical switch used to control the movement of mechanical devices, _ button switch, switch …
the number of directions a robot part can move, branch of technology that deals with designing, building and using robots, a rough model used for …
storage in which data is stored online and off-site. this can be accessed with an internet connection, a type of storage device, that retrieves …
electrically connecting all exposed conductive items not designed to carry electricity to protect against electric shock, the conductor connected to …
_ cell is suitable for low current devices like hearing aids, watches, etc, on charging secondary batteries, the reaction is _ , type of battery which …
how gears transfer movement, the shape of a cam, moving in part of a circle, how a piston in an engine moves, moving in a straight line, shape of a …
a material that allows electricity or heat to pass through easily, a material that does not allow electricity or heat to pass through easily, the flow …
is a substance that does not easily transmit electricity, the electrical term is abbreviated as ac, is an apparatus that changes the alternating …
converts chemical energy into electric energy, the rate at which electric charge flows through a conductor or space, a transfer of energy, the …
a device used for communication via calls and texts, a part of a phone used to take photographs, the main computer of a phone, the display that shows …
a distortion that occurs when the sampling rate is less than twice the highest frequency, the process of converting a continuous-valued signal into a …
an ocpd that consist of a "fusible" link or links encapsulated in a tube compacted with fine granular material, the condition in which an …