Basics of Electricity Crossword Puzzle

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Basics of Electricity Crossword Puzzle

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  • visible light : electromagnetic radiation we can see.
  • anaphoresis : the process of introducing a negative (alkaline) product into he skin using electrical current.
  • insulator : a substance that does not conduct electricity.
  • polarity : the positive or negative pole of an electric current.
  • ohm : unit that measures the resistance of electric current.
  • iontophoresis : the process of introducing water soluble products into the skin with the use of electric current.
  • anode : positive electrode
  • electric current : the flow of electricity along a conductor in a complete circuit.
  • converter : an apparatus that changes direct current to alternating current.
  • ultraviolet light : invisible light, having the shortest wavelength and least penetrating of the spectrum.
  • laser : acronym for light amplification stimulation emission of radiation .
  • infrared : light which produces heat and has a long wavelength, penetrating deeply.
  • watt : measure of how much electric energy is used in one second.
  • electricity : the movement of particles around an atom that creates pure energy.
  • volt : unit that measures pressure or force
  • conductor : any material that easily conducts electricity.
  • electrode : (aka probe) applicator for directing the electrical current from the device tot he client's skin.
  • grounding : a safety feature which completes the circuit and carries the current safely away to the ground.
  • rectifier : an apparatus that changes alternating current to direct current.
  • fuse : a safety device designed to blowout or melt when the circuit becomes overloaded.
  • ampere : unit that measures the number of electrons flowing through a conductor.
  • galvanic : electro-therapy modality which is a constant and direct current, has a positive and negative pole, and created a chemical reaction when it passes through tissues of the body.