Electronics and Computers Crossword Puzzle

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Electronics and Computers Crossword Puzzle

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  • and gate : a logic or hard channel option gate with two switches.
  • acb : a feature of eaton wingman radar electronics that allows the system to be programmed to message requests on the data bus to actuate engine and service braking.
  • bias : the definition of this word in electricity simply being voltage potential at input referenced to ground.
  • binary : system data representation in which alphanumeric, operating states and logic data can be represented by sequences and stacks of 0s and 1s
  • bipolar : having two poles or opposite states.
  • bit : binary digit with the ability to represent one of two values, usually on or off which equates to an electrical status of voltage-high or voltage-low.
  • byte : an arrangement of 8 bits. each bit can express one of two states such as 0 or 1, high or low voltage, etc. one byte can, therefore, be used to express up to 256 different states.
  • cpu : solid-state device used to manage the processing cycle in a computer.
  • chopper wheel : widely used slang term for a toothed reluctor used in a shaft speed sensor.
  • cms : accident avoidance electronics using radar, microwave, and/or video to sense potential accidents and subsequently alert driver
  • cws : accident avoidance electronics using radar and microwave to alert the driver that an evasive response is required. an example is vorad.
  • controller : widely used term for control module.
  • duty cycle : usually describes the on time of a device.
  • eep rom : a magnetically retained (in current truck systems) memory component in a computer system that complements rom and prom.
  • fiber optics : the transmission of light pulses through fiber-glass strands or other transparent solid mediums.
  • gateway module : a protocol transducer (translator); either a stand-alone module or integrated into another module.