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Computers & IT Crossword Puzzles
Test your computers, social media, internet and information technology related knowledge with these crossword puzzle. Download and print it now to see how many answers you can find based on the clues provided.
a device that converts physical images or objects into digital representations, a transducer that converts sound waves into electrical signals, a …
graphical representation of information and data to create an accessible means to understand trends, patterns, and outliers of data, the use of …
this is access to a computer program that bypasses security mechanisms, software that is available free of charge and often distributed informally for …
text alignment where each line is positioned evenly between the left and right placeholder edges, paragraph _ is the amount of space above and below a …
to stimulate or inspire someone to take action or continue pursuing a goal, the various elements that make up the gameplay of a game, including …
communication between two parties has been overheard by someone, services or data become unavailable, unusable or destroyed, unauthorized changing of …
used to change the color, size, or functionality of an element on the page, the difference in brightness between elements, the location of an element …
the law which protects data and privacy (4), the unit of storage on a computer (4), the "l" in lan (5), an _ device gives a computer …
used to take and store pictures digitally, a vertical lever that is used to play games, a direct data entry device, _ capture devices - these devices …
responsible for what you see on the monitor, the computer or other device connected to a computer network that delegates to the other nodes, a …
the topic being discussed in the email, the main section of the written work, the last part of an email. it usually includes a short expression and …
company - advertise products/services, online purchases of products, give background information about the company, charity - give presentations …
to increase or make intense, communication including television, radio, and newspapers, that often reaches and impacts a large audience, bombarding …
a machine that dispenses cash or performs other banking services when an account holder inserts a bank card, a global computer network providing a …
a program that manages hardware and software on a computer, the actual components of a computer, such as the processor, memory, and hard drive, a set …
used for typing words and letters, moves an arrow pointer on the screen to select things and more, used to have a copy of your work on paper, show …
a type of network adapter hardware that fits in an expansion slot on a computer's motherboard, a system device that connects the battery (mostly …
crucial part of your identity, especially in credit reports and computer databases, who to contact if you suspect someone is diverting your mail, the …
a collection of data stored in a two-dimensional database in which similar yet discrete strings of information are stored as records in a table, an …
computer program allowing the computer to communicate with a hardware device, _ device cable - cable inside the computer transferring data between the …
finding and fixing problems in an algorithm or program, not giving up, the action of doing something over and over again, a list of steps to finish a …
used to convert one data type to another, the sql keyword which is followed by the condition used to filter the data, a type of testing done at the …
list of data items, microsoft, a piece a code that destroys computer, your stationary for ict, proper word for tech, you use it to type, a set of …
an excel file that contains individual worksheets. also called a spreadsheet file, the identifying letters and numbers for columns and rows. columns …
enables communication between devices, computer storage device, physical parts of the computer, a transmission of data to other communications, …
savannah is a star here, the most popular social media application in china, their logo is a blue bird, often abbreviated to ins, xbox and playstation …
proper respect, language, or manners, enraptures the main idea of the email, or why you are sending it, small icons to avoid the use of when writing …
saturate or de-saturate parts of the layer, creates sharp edges, _ healing brush remove objects and unwanted artifacts, erases the pixels from an …
creating plans for products or structures, to guide or direct a group, short for digital literacy, using digital tools effectively, acquiring …
the verbal act of requesting, url part other than http and index.html, http _ - the web service is running on the sever that is using _ , _ page to …
How to download Computers / Technology Crossword Puzzle?
- Click on any of the Compuers / IT Crossword Puzzle.
- Print or download on letter-size paper or A4 size paper.
How to Edit these crossword puzzles?
To create your own Computers / Internet Technology Puzzles, click on the "Edit" button. You can edit the title, header, font style and size, font family, words list, puzzle grid size and layout etc.