Online Security Awareness Crossword Puzzle

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  • encrypt : when possible do this to protect your emails and important information
  • malware : malicious software that harms your devices or allows hackers access to them
  • password : 123456789 us a bad example of this
  • pii : abbreviation for personally identifiable information
  • location services : the ability for your smartphone to track your whereabouts
  • vacation : posting real-time _ photos on social media can make you vulnerable
  • hacker : the adversary who is intent on harming us
  • update : what you should do to your anti-virus software on a regular basis
  • vulnerability : the weaknesses in our defense that allow the adversary to attack
  • smishing : text messages that try to trick you into clicking on a link or responding with personal info
  • phishing : messages tailored to you that may contain viruses or malware
  • shred : what you should do with all papers with personal confidential information
  • fishing : phone calls meant to trick you into giving up information