Digital Communication Crossword Puzzle

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Digital Communication Crossword Puzzle

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  • audience: the intended reader/ consumer of the communication. who are you sharing it with?
  • social media: diverse type of online communication, used to share images, videos, status updates etc.
  • linkedin: a platform used to connect professionals with one another. nicknamed the "professional's facebook".
  • instagram: a popular online communication tool that specialises in sharing photos, videos and visual content.
  • email: type of online communication that is ideal for formal contexts
  • attachments: files attached to an electronic message
  • instant messaging: communication type that allows for messages to be sent in real time. can be used for work and social contexts.
  • text: main method of communication on a smartphone aside from voice calls.
  • blog: a website specifically written around a particular subject of interest. for an audience.
  • context: what decides the type of online communication used. e.g. consideration of the audience, level of formality etc.
  • communication: the act of exchanging information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium