Web Design Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle

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  • attribute: used to change the color, size, or functionality of an element on the page
  • contrast : the difference in brightness between elements
  • position : the location of an element on a page
  • clarity : the quality of being easy to see or understand
  • usability : how easy a website is to use
  • accuracy : the quality of being correct or precise
  • typography : the art of arranging text on a page
  • appropriateness : the quality of being suitable or fitting
  • size : the dimensions of an object or text
  • consistency : uniformity in design and function across a website
  • golden ratio : a mathematical ratio found in art and design
  • alignment : how text or objects are positioned in relation to each other
  • site layout : the arrangement of elements on a website
  • navigation : the system that allows users to move around a website
  • simplicity : the quality of being easy to understand or use
  • content : the information presented on a website
  • colour : the attribute of an object as seen by the human eye
  • media : images, videos, and audio elements on a site
  • intuitiveness : how naturally a user can interact with a site
  • white space : empty areas that separate elements on a page