C# Programming Language Crossword Puzzle
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- while: a type of loop that executes as long as a condition is true.
- constructor: the method that gets invoked when an object is created.
- dictionary: a collection which can store key-value pairs in c#.
- list: a collection of elements of the same type that dynamically resizes.
- array: a fixed-size collection of elements of the same type.
- object: the c# type that can hold any value.
- access modifier: a c# keyword that specifies the location where types or members are accessible from.
- public: used to make types or members accessible everywhere.
- protected: used to make types or members accessible only within the same class and derived classes.
- private: used to make types or members accessible only within the same class.
- internal: used to make types or members accessible only within files in the same assembly.
- namespace: used to organize code into groups to avoid naming conflicts.
- field: a variable that is declared directly in a class or struct.
- property: a member that provides a flexible mechanism to read, write, or compute the value of a data field.
- interface: defines a contract that classes must implement.
- decimal: a data type used for financial and monetary calculations with high precision.
- foreach: a type of loop that iterates through the entire collection.
- static: used to make the member belong to the class itself.
- const: indicates that the memory cannot be altered.
- read only: indicates that the memory can only be altered in the constructor.
- void: indicates that a method does not return a value.
- getter: a method used to read the value of a data member.
- setter: a method used to set the value of a data member.