21st Century Skills Crossword Puzzle

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21st Century Skills Crossword Puzzle

PDF will include puzzle sheet and the answer key.


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  • design : creating plans for products or structures.
  • lead : to guide or direct a group.
  • digit : short for digital literacy, using digital tools effectively.
  • learn : acquiring knowledge or skills.
  • collab : short for collaboration, working together.
  • empat : short for empathy, understanding others' feelings.
  • critic : short for critical thinking, analyzing facts to form a judgment.
  • ethics : moral principles that govern behavior.
  • coding : writing instructions for computers.
  • adapt : ability to adjust to new conditions.
  • think : the process of considering or reasoning.
  • media : tools used to store and deliver information.
  • innov : short for innovation, introducing new ideas.
  • tech : short for technology, tools and devices.
  • flex : short for flexibility, ability to adapt.
  • agile : a method of project management.
  • creat : short for creativity, generating new ideas.
  • resil : short for resilience, recovering quickly from difficulties.
  • solve : finding solutions to problems.
  • data : information collected for analysis.