Multimedia Crossword Puzzle

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Multimedia Crossword Puzzle

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  • balance : arrangement of elements so that no one part of the work overpowers a different part.
  • focal point : element that you want to first attract the attention of the viewer.
  • fundamental : guidelines to help you make your visual design more user friendly.
  • shape : a two-dimensional object
  • pattern : two-dimensional decorative effect achieved through repetition of color, lines, shapes, or textures.
  • perspective : technique that creates an illusion of depth and volume on a two-dimensional surface.
  • proportion : refers to size relationships of certain elements to the whole and to each other.
  • space : implied distance between, around, above, below, and within objects.
  • emphasis : point of interest that the viewer sees first.
  • form : an object with three dimensions
  • texture : surface characteristics or quality that you see or feel.
  • peer review : editing process in which team members review your work.
  • harmony : occurs when the visual design elements have similarities.
  • visual design : use of imagery, color, shapes, and form to improve user experience.
  • color theory : standard set of guidelines about using color.
  • layout : arrangement of text and graphics.
  • line : element of art that is a continuous mark made on some surface by a moving point.