Automation & Robotics Key Terms Crossword Puzzle

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Automation & Robotics Key Terms Crossword Puzzle

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  • scientists : investigate our natural world.
  • output : the results of the operation of a system.
  • engineers : create our designed world.
  • criteria : desired specifications (elements or features) of a product or system.
  • input : something put into a system, such as resources, information, or signals, in order to achieve a result.
  • subsystem : a major part of a system which itself has the characteristics of a system, usually consisting of several components.
  • innovation : an improvement of an existing technological product, system, or method.
  • invention : a new product, system, or process.
  • condition : a segment of code that evaluates to true or false.
  • analyze : to examine methodically by separating into parts and studying their interrelations.
  • system : a group of interacting, interrelated, or interdependent elements or parts that function together as a whole to accomplish a goal.
  • autonomous : operating without direct human control.
  • troubleshoot : locating and finding the cause of problems related to technological products or systems.
  • constraint : a limitation or restriction. may include such things as appearance, funding, space, materials, and human capabilities.
  • algorithm : an ordered set of instructions that are used to carry out a task.
  • technologist : apply science and math to designs.
  • design process : a systematic, problem-solving strategy that designers follow to come up with a solution to a problem.
  • boolean : a type of data in computing that a logical expression evaluates to. the only possible values are true and false.
  • code : an arrangement of data or instructions in a computer program.
  • stem : working together to solve problems based on societal needs and wants.
  • automation : a technique or system used to control a process without the continuous input of a human operator.
  • mathematicians : use numbers and symbols to solve problems.
  • manufacturing : the process of making a raw material into a finished product; especially in large quantities.
  • annotate : to make notes on a sketch to provide further information.
  • mechanism : an assembly of moving parts that transforms input motion and forces into output motion and forces.